Simple Leasing, Part 2: The Core
Dec 4, 2024
In Part 1, we set up a basic TypeScript project structure to fit the COILS architecture. Next, we’ll start filling out that project structure. The best starting point depends on a project’s purpose:
Web or mobile apps often start with the UX because the UX is the app’s value proposition and needs to be the focus of the design. Data pipelines usually have a source and a sink, and determining how to load and process the former is a natural starting point.
Simple Leasing, Part 1: The Project
Nov 23, 2024
The last few posts have been theoretical; this one isn’t. Let’s start a project from scratch, building on the principles of the COILS architecture I proposed in the last post. (If you haven’t read “Building Bridges” and “The Missing Middle” yet, go do that, then we can get started.)
Business Requirements The first task for any project is eliciting business requirements from stakeholders. COILS isn’t intended to prescribe a methodology for that part of a project, but it does suggest that you should end up with domain stories that function as sentences written in the language of the system that you want to write.
The Missing Middle: Systems as Languages
Nov 10, 2024
In “Building Bridges,” I describe a philosophy of software architecture based on the idea of systems that span theory (the “left bank” of the river) and computational reality (the “right bank” of the river). In this philosophy, the business value that we deliver is primarily in the “middle of the river,” so to speak. If theory governs one bank and practical constraints another, there’s a significant gap between them that also requires design.
Building Bridges
Nov 3, 2024
Programming is neither an art nor a science, as I wrote in Orthodoxy, but we have an advantage over other crafts in that we can experiment cheaply and our material is our own creativity, like writers rather than sculptors. Where a sculptor working in wood can never escape the possibility of an unexpected knot or flaw in the grain, we’re able to tie our “material” directly to proven theory and to physical reality.
Nov 2, 2024
Programming is neither a science nor an art. Science proceeds from hypothesis through test to confirmation, and art is as much about the means of expression as it is about its themes. Software, by contrast, is written to solve a problem that’s fundamentally more important than the means of its solution. Often that solution has existed since ancient times and simply needs to be encoded as an algorithm that works in the particular environment of the software’s patron.
Information Curation for the Programmer
Oct 29, 2024
I ended the last post, “Generative AI and the Programmer,” on a note that’s a Rorschach test for your own outlook on life: the fate of the technology industry relies on the ability of our practitioners to curate and digest information. My own outlook is frankly pessimistic. Most of us have ignored our own history and, worse, the broad range of “liberal arts,” producing professionals uniquely and ironically unsuited to critically engaging with the informational ecosystems that we have been instrumental in building.
Generative AI and the Programmer
Oct 26, 2024
If you’re one of my loyal readers(?), you’ve probably noticed that I don’t write much anymore. It’s a common fate for blogs, but in this case I can point to a specific cause that has impacted my willingness to write: large language models (LLMs). Since ChatGPT burst onto the scene and illustrated the capabilities of generative AI, I’ve found it impossible to finish drafts because I hesitate to throw more information into the datavore.
Understanding the Strategy Pattern
Apr 3, 2022
Conditionals (if, switch, and match statements) are usually the first programmers reach for when we need to vary the execution of a function. They’re easy to understand and convenient to use, as long as the variations are simple. As software grows, though, extensibility and comprehensibility begin to require that we create ways to “hook” new functionality into our functions. The strategy pattern offers a method to accomplish that:
Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable.
How Blockchains Work
Mar 6, 2021
Chances are, you know what Bitcoin is. After all, it’s valued at over $47,000 per Bitcoin right now. This post isn’t about the business side of things, though, or the BTC speculative bubble. I want to explain how it works.1
Foundations: Hashes and Ledgers First, a hash algorithm is a way to convert a given string into an unpredictable string of a fixed length, called a digest.
Here’s a small Python program to demonstrate:
Abstraction is Okay, Magic is Not
Feb 26, 2021
You encounter a crusty old-timer who tells you how great programming used to be: the computer just did what you told it. Languages were simple and easy to understand. In awe, you ask: “Did you write FORTRAN? or assembly?” The old-timer laughs: he’s not that old. He started with C!
It’s common to think of C and other “old” languages as being “close to the machine,” but that’s because the Unix abstractions have become so ubiquitous that we no longer think of them as abstractions.
Rust Needs Metaphors, Part 2: Traits
Oct 14, 2020
When I began learning Haskell, typeclasses were confusing to me: at first, because I didn’t fully understand why they were needed, and later, because I didn’t understand the advantages they offered over Java’s interfaces. If you’re new to Rust but haven’t used Haskell before, you’ll likely be in the same boat, but moreso; traits are pervasive in the ecosystem.
At heart, traits are very similar to interfaces in Java or C♯.
Rust Needs Metaphors, Part 1: Lifetimes
Sep 19, 2020
I recently had a conversation with a friend who said: “I don’t trust most of what I hear about Rust, because it sounds like agitprop from the Rust Evangelism Strike Force, but people like you whom I trust and respect seem to like it. Can you help me understand why?”
I tried to. I said things that make sense, in the abstract: it offers a very powerful type system, it allows me to feel more confident about my code in surprising ways, and so on.
Under the Rug: Hidden (but Essential) Complexity
Apr 23, 2020
I don’t like docopt. That makes me an outlier; most people I’ve talked to seem to think it makes command-line applications “easy.” They like its premise that, by writing documentation, you’re writing code. When you make a command-line application with docopt, you’ve automatically got the help text written and the module documented properly, right? Why bother with something verbose and object-oriented like argparse?
My objection is that you aren’t writing code, but you’re also not writing documentation, despite the name of the package.
Loops and Recursion
Dec 22, 2019
Recursion was a concept that took me a long time to understand. It wasn’t until years after I’d started programming that I felt I really understood it, and it wasn’t until years after that that I felt confident reaching for it as a tool. Like almost everyone, the first way that I learned to think of iteration was with loops. If you wanted to add something together, for example, you would create a “bookkeeping” variable and modify it inside the loop.
The M-Word: The Culture of Programming
Dec 14, 2019
In addition to it begin useful, it is also cursed and the curse of the monad is that once you get the epiphany, once you understand—“Oh, that’s what it is!”—you lose the ability to explain it to anybody. — Doug Crockford.
I had a problem, once. I was working on a Rails application which generated integration files to be consumed by external partners. They were generated every night in a dozen formats and shipped around the Internet to populate sites you’ve probably used.
Mind the Gaps
Dec 12, 2019
“If you truly accumulate effort for a long time, then you will advance.” Xunzi.
It’s no secret that many programmers are self-taught. Some of us, myself included, lack formal credentials related to computer science. I’ve worked with good programmers who didn’t graduate high school. It’s a strange profession, with the skills often acquired simply as a side effect of tinkering. You don’t hear about many civil engineers or corporate attorneys who do what they do because they enjoyed playing Zork on their dad’s office computer.
On Symbolic Logic
Nov 20, 2019
I went to public school in the United States, and I was always “bad at math.” I hated homework and tests, and it never got better: as I went through the grades, the problems got longer and more intricate, and I inevitably would make a calculation error—misplacing a decimal or flubbing an easy sum—halfway through. I got used to seeing
The Danger of “Simplicity”
Nov 16, 2019
There are a few tendencies among programmers that involve the totem of “simplicity.” There’s the ancient concept of KISS, of course, but there’s also the much-abused YAGNI, the insistence that we “Choose Boring Technology,” entire languages that base their elevator pitch around the idea that they’re “simple,” and the concept in object-oriented design that “every class should have a single responsibility.”
The problem with these approaches is that “simplicity” never gets a rigorous definition.
“Parsing” in Python
Nov 10, 2019
I recently read “Parse, Don’t Validate,” shared it with my coworkers, and let it bring me out of retirement on It captures a concept that I’ve struggled to explain, leading to cases where I couldn’t say why I thought something was better beyond a vague “It’s a matter of taste.” That’s not very satisfactory as a justification when you’re trying to explain to someone why they should rework a piece of code in a review.